Friday, February 24, 2006

Ok ok ok ok... I'm back!!! you can stop sending me abusive emails about my lack of updates, ok?

Has a month gone by already? Blimey.
Right, what you missed?

I'm still sodding ill. Managed to eventually shake off the cold I had to start on a brand new one a couple of days later. Nose now looks like its gonna fall off and I have a small family of sea-lions living in my chest who like to bark about every 2 mins - day or night.
Which, curiously, has giving me a bout of insomnia which I haven't had for years... yesterday I turned in at 3am and was bright and breezy (and coughing and sneezey) at 8am. Doubt I'll be quite so late tonight, but we'll see how the twilight hours unfold.

Can't remember if I mentionned this (and can't be bothered to look) but I tracked that Carphone had been unpaying for the past 6 months - as well as diddling me out of 4.5 days holiday. Needless to say, I've got the holiday back and a very nice lump sum mid-month. With said lump I have purchased myself a Creative Zen Vision:M (Video iPod clone - but plays DivX etc and no annoying iTunes) and I've finally got my hands on a Xbox 360 Premium.
I had only been looking casually for a 360, and over the past couple of weeks ended up settling for ringing the local Gamestation to see if they got a Premium pack in. Wednesday I was shocked to here the "yes sir, we have 3 in stock" as a response, and as I was already at work, I sent Jen in (she's on a week off) to go get my new toy. Managed to work like a daemon and got out of the office 45 mins early to have a play.
Unpacked like a kid at Christmas, and plugged in the HiDef cable to my HDTV (it's first proper use at 1080i as the Xbox v1, although I had a HiDef cable, wasn't true HD) to be greeted by three quarters of the 'Ring of Light' flashing red. Followed the procedures, fiddled, and decided yes, Andi Taylor's luck had struck again. One dead 360. Rang Microsoft to have it confirmed, and alas no PGR3 for me that night ("n)
Rang Gamestation first thing this morning to relay the bad news and see if I could do a swap-out (rather than a 14-day repair with M$) - and of course, none in stock.

But then maybe today I would be a bit more lucky.
Just before lunch (which was free - thanks boss!) I get a call "Hi Andi, its Gamestation. We have a Premium 360 in for you." Rock on!
Dodged out of work early again (!) and got there just as they're closing to do the swap (I had dumped the 360 in my boot juuuust in case). And my MP3 player turned up today too (although a day late). And its all working beautifully! (",)

Anyway, so that's the boring bit done.
Bit of a back date - Valentines.
Was eventful in 2 ways - not really sure I can blog either though, so let's just leave it at that. Though can quite safely say my best V-Day ever...

Corrado update: slow-puncture front right. It's currently flat at the mo. Had to rush to Gamestation with it flat too - handling wasn't too great!
Will have to get that pumped up in the morning! :)

Right - that lot should keep you buggers happy for a little bit. Sorry its a bit long and boring. Will come up with some more witty stuff when I feel a bit better. All sympathy welcome!

AndiTails, out.


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