Saturday, May 20, 2006

Hi ho Silver - away!

Gone and done it again!
Moved the blog!
Yeah, I know I keep doing it... but this new place is back on my server so I can do what I wish with it... And if I like the website more, I'm more likely to update it!
You'll thank me in the end...

Bookmark this:


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Cars cars cars part 2

Well, saw the Passat yesterday afternoon.
Not a lot wrong with it really. Bodywork has a scrape, a key scratch and a ding on the wing, but other than that - completely straight and totally rust free. She's a good'un!
So, plonked a deposit down and will train it back next week to go pay and drive her home!

Looks like Louie (my friendly mechanic) is still up for buying the C too, and if I can get £3500 for it, that's £500 profit and getting a newer, more powerful (just) car. Not bad! Will talk business with him next week also, when picking up the C (which is delayed due to waiting for a part from VW).

All in all and not bad day yesterday.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Cars cars cars

I finally got off my bum, jump-started the poorly Corrado and its in my friendly ATS getting sorted. Track rod end (which shouldn't be too difficult - just stiff) and the water leak (which is the bastard - he's going to have to dismantal the whole of the front end to get to it!) and she'll be driveable for longer than 15 mins again!

But, I have been looking for my next car.... Have a strange hankering for a VW Passat B5 Saloon. In the V6 4-motion flavour of course. I had toyed with the idea of a TDI, but I'd miss the engine purr, and the V6 TDIs are out of my price bracket sadly. And bloomin' rare!

I'm taking a road trip to Bristol today to go have a look at one. Spec'd to the high heavens, low mileage, nice (rare) colour and cheap as chips.
My intention was to keep the Corrado as well - but Louie (the guy at ATS who does all the work on it) sprung into life and seems very happy to take it off my hands - but would need some time to get the money together. So may keep it until June (when the MOT runs out) and flog it on and keep the Passat. But if I really find the Passat a bore, I have the a window of grace where I haven't made the stupid mistake of selling my old car on first! We'll just have to see.

I'll keep you updated.... (makes a change, eh!)

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Boring update (sorry!)

Just to let you know I haven't disappeared off the face of the planet - I'm still here!

Corrado hasn't moved from the garage. Still leaking and a bit broken.

2 weeks at Head Office was good - seems my profile has been raised which is good, but everything's pretty much back to normal now....

And I'm getting a new boss next week who seems pretty cool. Woot. Yay.

(See, really not worth blogging, was it!)

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The curse.... part 2

It's been a mixed bag since the last entry.

Gamestation did successfully swap the hard-drive, so the '360 is back up and running again with minimal disruption. Just a pity I'm having to start PGR3 from scratch again :( Kudos to Gamestation Redhill for going above and beyond, again!

The slow punctures (yes, 2 now) of the front and rear offside wheels on the Corrado hit the plateau of annoyance yesterday. I left work early due to still feeling rough (that's another thing - still not shaken off this man flu thing entirely. I'm coughing my guts up as I type) and thought I'd get the tyres checked on my way home just to get it sorted once and for all.
They found 2 nails in the rear tyre and nothing really wrong with the front, however, when they popped the tyres off the rims, we were greeted by a large handful of shred rubber inside the wheel where the tyres had started stripping themselves whilst going flat whilst driving. A very dangerous situation, as the tyre wall integrity is comprimised and the likelyhood of a high-speed blow-out is more of a when than an if.
5pm Friday evening, and only 2 wheels on the car, I had little choice but the splash £120 on replacement tyres there and then. Was cash, nod-nod-wink-wink, so probably saved myself £50 from VAT paying, over-priced Joe Public, but still not a great end to the week.

But maybe a silver lining to the hell that has been the last couple of weeks.
I've been asked by Carphone Head Office to go work there for 2 weeks to help out with the current mess O2 and Vodafone are into with the new billing system going Pete Tong. The fact that this request came from one of the directors, and is a great oppurtunity to get myself known at Head Office. If I want easier career progression, it's an oppurtunity too good to miss.
The fact that its also all-expenses paid and being put up in the Ramada for the duration - it would be silly not to!